Integration Guides

Creating an AI Discord Bot

Mendable provides an easy way to create a Discord bot that can answer questions about your project. This guide will show you how to create a Discord bot that uses the Mendable API to answer questions and provide sources for the answers. It creates a new thread for each question asked and stores the history of the conversation.


  • Starts a new thread for each question asked.
  • Uses the Mendable API to answer questions and provide sources.
  • Stores the history of the conversation.


  1. Clone Mendable AI Discord Bot repository.
  2. Install the required dependencies with npm install.
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following environment variables:
    • MENDABLE_API_KEY: Your Mendable API key.
    • DISCORD_TOKEN: Your Discord bot token.
    • BOT_ID: Your Discord bot ID.
  4. Run the bot with node index.js or npm run start.


To ask a question, mention the bot followed by your question. For example:

@MendableAI How to create a Mendable AI Discord Bot?

The bot will create a new thread, answer the question, and provide sources for the answer.


  • discord.js: A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API.
  • dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.

Creating a Discord Application and Getting the Necessary Tokens

  1. Create a Discord Application

  2. Create a Bot for the Application

    • Click on the Bot tab on the left side of the application page.
    • Click on the Add Bot button on the right and confirm by clicking Yes, do it!.
  3. Get the Bot Token

    • Still on the Bot tab, find the Token section.
    • Click on Copy to copy the bot token. This is your DISCORD_TOKEN.
  4. Get the Bot ID

    • Go to the General Information tab on the left side of the application page.
    • Find the Application ID section and click Copy. This is your BOT_ID.
  5. Invite the Bot to Your Server

    • Go to the OAuth2 tab on the left side of the application page.
    • In the Scopes section, select bot.
    • In the Bot Permissions section, select the permissions your bot needs.
    • Copy the generated URL and open it in your web browser to invite the bot to your server.
  6. Get the Bot ID

    • Right click on the bot name and select Copy ID. This is your BOT_ID.
Teams AI Bot